In terms of crypto, traders rarely plan for a long-term investment strategy. Being such a highly volatile market makes all participants prefer quick returns and easy liquidity. Owing to this, the market sees a lot of game-changing blockchain projects that flip the market’s situation. One such project is Bitgert (BRISE). If it feels familiar, then it should, because this project made its debut in 2021 as an app. Since then, Bitgert has changed and improved a lot. So much so that now it’s expecting a 2000% price surge soon. But what is making it pump this much despite being a wildcard entry? Let’s find out.
The zero-gas phenomenon
Last year, in February, Bitgert released a completely revamped and rebranded version of the project using a proof-of-authority consensus mechanism. Bitgert is being dubbed a high-performance platform that has not one but several utilities or offerings for users. The most important characteristic of Bitgert is that all transactions made on it require zero gas fees. This translates to a high-speed and sustainable blockchain project.
If the official documentation is to be taken as reference, then Bitgert is said to have the ability to easily process over 100,000 transactions per second. This statistic has been sufficient to make Bitgert popular, a must-buy, and has a chance of going up by 2000% soon. Considering Bitgert’s current price, which is near $0.0000002663, such a huge jump could easily make a lot of early investors straight up crypto millionaires.
Is it worth all the fuss?
More than half of the crypto enthusiasts who have not yet bought Bitgert are wondering if they are late or just early. The answer is: it does not matter. There are plenty of other coins costing a fraction of a cent on the market. So if one wants to buy for experience, then they can start with any project they are comfortable with. But the fact that almost every other crypto investor has already gotten Bitgert at the lowest price means that a turning point is approaching this project soon.
As for the reason for this impending price surge, the only answer could be a strategic partnership between Bitgert and one of the leading crypto exchanges, OKX. By getting listed on such a huge platform, Bitgert will cater to even more crypto investors from across the world to get ahead of the competition.
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