LinkedIn just published its U.S. Emerging Jobs Report for 2018, which provided an overview of the fastest growing skills and jobs across the United States.
According to the report, the role of the blockchain developer is the fastest growing job in the United States. LinkedIn, in the course of compiling the report, made use of data from its Economic Graph to analyze the jobs getting widespread attention from employers, as well as the skills required to perform efficiently in those positions.
Fast Growth
According to the report, job listings for blockchain developers have increased 33percent throughout the past 12 months; a feat which makes it the top emerging job for 2018. In addition to the discovery, it was revealed that San Francisco, New York City and Atlanta, tops the list of cities with the highest demand for blockchain developers, while the major skill required for anyone aspiring to be a developer includes knowledge in Ethereum, Node.js, solidarity, and others.
Second to blockchain developers on this list is the role of machine learning engineer, which has seen a 12 percent growth rate in 2018, as well. The position has seen a rise in listings majorly due to the widespread adoption of artificial intelligence and a desire for more companies to integrate AI systems into their core operations. For this role, deep learning, tensorflow, Apache stack, machine learning, and natural language processing have been named by LinkedIn as some of the required skills recruiters look out for.
Besides the role of a Blockchain Developer and Machine Learning Engineer, the jobs rounding up the top 5 list are Application Sales Executive, Machine Learning Specialist and Professional Medical Representative. A CNBC post also showed that blockchain engineers seem to be earning as much money as artificial intelligence developers. The two fields currently offer the highest-earning roles in specialized engineers.
Blockchain Courses
As the demand for blockchain jobs grows, there has also been an increase in programs and courses that train blockchain developers and other blockchain-related skills. For instance, the UCLA recently partnered with MouseBelt Blockchain Accelerator to launch a blockchain course in the school. After a few days of opening registration, Prof John D. Villasenor (the facilitator of the blockchain course) stated that all available slots for the course have already been filled.
In the same manner, UC Berkeley created an online course on cryptocurrencies and business-scale blockchain networks, and the school reported to have experienced signups in their thousands.
However, despite the growth in the blockchain developer market on LinkedIn, interest from job seekers and employers in cryptocurrency and blockchain-related jobs has shown a sharp decline on another job listing website.
According to data from, searches for job positions involving blockchain, Bitcoin and cryptocurrency have dropped to 3.06% between October 2017 and October 2018, even though employer interest in these jobs increased by a substantial 25%.
The statistics from indeed showed a very sharp contrast to the previous year. Between October 2016 and October 2017, employer interest rose by 325%, while job seeker interest increased by 481.61%.
The sharp decline in job seeker interest has been attributed to the current bear market Bitcoin- as well as other cryptocurrencies- has been on something of a bumpy ride this year, with bitcoin trading at $3,244, at press time. This decline in Bitcoin’s price shows that the cryptocurrency is becoming less efficient to mine and own, and this is affecting the interest it has gotten from employers and job seekers. Having decimated the interest in jobs, the bear market has also affected hundreds of crypto-based companies, while major traders of mining rigs and equipment have been forced to sell off their products at discount prices after being left with large inventories as a result of demand declines.