CEEK is working to revolutionize the entertainment industry with help from the blockchain. With CEEK VR, users can experience live shows and concerts as if they were truly in the audience, all thanks to virtual reality.
CEEK VR INC, the company behind CEEK, is a developer of software and hardware for omnichannel distribution of VR experiences that has won multiple awards. CEEK works to create, curate, and distribute the VR content for partners of a world-class nature. It offers multiple channels of VR content, including professionally licensed and originally created content.
What Performances Can Users Watch with CEEK?
Via the CEEK platform, users are able to consume a wide range of performances and concerts. It already has established partnerships with Lady Gaga, U2, Megadeth, and Katy Perry. Most recently, they announced a new partnership with World of Dance. In addition to celebrity concerts, CEEK will offer access to charity fundraisers, VR commerce, sporting events, and even classroom learning. This last function will make it possible for those in remote areas to further their education and learn more marketable skills, improving their chances for the future.
CEEK VR Headset
Unlike other blockchain projects that do not have a functional product and instead rely on ICO fundraising to get the funds necessary for research and development, CEEK VR already has a functional prototype. This prototype is a virtual reality headset already available via Amazon, Target, Best Buy, and other major retailers. When you buy the VR headset, which is mobile ready, you get a $10 iTunes gift card as a bonus, so you can listen to the music from your favorite artists at any time.
Who Does CEEK Benefit?
CEEK provides benefits for everyone involved, particularly the artists and would-be concert-goers. Artists are able to enhance their income thanks to the paid partnerships with CEEK. Additionally, they can extend their reach and increase their fan base by offering concerts to those who would otherwise be unable to attend. That enhanced exposure and fan base can lead to an increase in sales of albums and other merchandise, further boosting profits.
Users benefit from CEEK greatly, as well. They are now able to watch performances from their favorite artists without having to leave the house. Purchasing a concert via CEEK is much more affordable than an actual concert ticket, particularly when you factor in parking, transportation to the venue, possibly having to stay in a hotel by the venue, and other related expenses. Additionally, CEEK provides the opportunity for anyone to “attend” the concert of their favorite artist, no matter where they live. Those in cities or countries that are not typically included on tours no longer have to miss out. People with mobility impairments that prevent them from easily attending a concert can also get the full experience via CEEK.
What Operating Systems Does CEEK Support?
CEEK has support for both Apple and Android devices. You can download the application via Google Play or the Apple App Store. From there, you can use the application to purchase concerts and watch them from the comfort of your home while still feeling as if you are in the audience.
What Is the CEEK Token?
The CEEK token is the new virtual reality smart token that enhances the user experience for CEEK and provides exclusive functionality. CEEKERS, or CEEK token holders, get special access to immersive VR experiences. They also get access to the tokenized rewards exchange within exclusive VR venues around the world that are CEEK enabled. CEEKERS also receive voting rights, and you can find a chart outlining the proposal and voting process on the CEEK website.
The CEEK virtual reality environments have governance via Ethereum Smart Contracts. It is this Ethereum-based governance that gives token holders the capability of having flexible “in-world” interactions that are tokenized, including rewards, voting, virtual goods, and contests.
How Does CEEK Use the Blockchain?
As mentioned, CEEK’s VR environments get governance via Ethereum Smart Contracts, putting this aspect of blockchain technology to good use to create the best possible user experience. By using the blockchain, CEEK is also able to improve transactions, adding security and transparency while also providing an immutable record of all exchanges.
Using the blockchain allows CEEKERS to access, exchange, and manage their digital assets at a small fraction of the cost. CEEK includes a special standard for transfers of multiple tokens, reducing the gas cost so it is just around 1/10th of a cent, an incredibly small fee for a transfer or experience like those of CEEK. Because of the blockchain’s open standards, CEEKERS can truly own various digital items across multiple environments that are digital ready.
What Are CEEK Venues?
There are already several immersive virtual reality experiences known as CEEK Venues. These are within the “CEEK CITY” and provide access to entertainment via an already-established system. Just some of the CEEK Venues within CEEK CITY include a concert arena, a sports complex, a hangout lounge, and a theater.
What Should You Know About the CEEK Token Sale?
The CEEK token sale is only open to those who are not U.S. residents. The presale week one lasted from March 26 to April 1 with a 30 percent bonus. Week two of the presale, from April 2 to 8, had a 20 percent bonus. In week three, April 9 to 15, it dropped to 10 percent. There was no bonus during the sale from April 16 to 27. From April 28 to May 3, the regular sale takes place with no bonus and a token price of $0.50 USD. The tokens will be distributed on June 1.
What Is Celebrity Coin Minting?
Via the CEEK Virtual Mint, users can mint their own tokens, virtual items, coins, or merchandise, at a gas cost that is 10 times less. This is via CEEK Coin Cast, which is a custom minting tool that lets those in the entertainment industry “mint” (create) virtual tickets, personal brand tokens, venue coins, and other virtual merchandise. This provides another method for those in the industry to enhance their revenue via CEEK.
CEEK is a virtual reality platform that gives users the ability to experience concerts and more no matter where they are. CEEK already has multiple partnerships with major names in the industry, as well as a functional prototype with strong user reviews. The potential for CEEK is huge, particularly since it has already established itself as a leader for VR and is using blockchain technology to enhance its offerings.